Provided is a link to all the materials, instructions, and videos that you will need to create the game
Materials Needed: A box that can be locked, at least 3 locks, 6 shoeboxes, sheet protectors, chromebook/ipad, envelopes/folders, construction paper, 3 baggies, index cards, sharpie, some decorated containers: folders, boxes, envelopes to place clues in around the room, Wayne’s Intro video
Set the locks to the following combinations: 7,3,5 8,1,4 6,4,2
tape sheet protectors to the top of the shoeboxes (allows interchangeable text/images to be placed on top.
tape sheet protectors to the top of the shoeboxes (allows interchangeable text/images to be placed on top.
- to replace the images and keep the boxes for other games
Print all materials: Double Puzzle, Forces Visual Boxes, I have Who has? (6 sets), Matter Number Sort, etc
Using index cards spell out “anemometer”, “wind vane”, and “barometer”. Write one letter one each card for the students to sort the cards to spell out their weather instrument. - Place in small baggies
Slide Forces Graphs in the sheet protectors on top of the 6 boxes
Cut out “I have, Who has” into squares and place them in each box
Cut out the QR codes and place on a wall
Place Double Puzzle sheets in envelopes/folders - label the area “BODY SYSTEMS”
Place the Matter Number sort in separate envelopes or folders - labeled “WAYNE IS HAVING SUM FUN”
Place/Tape the challenge baggies on or near the Wayne’s Tools of SCIENCE for students to easily pick up
Place the “Tools of Science” labels on one side of colored construction paper and the vocabulary match on the other. Place the challenge cards in a place where the challenge card label can be seen and somewhere they are not easily obtainable since it is the last clue for the game. **The FIRST THREE matter match are the correct ones - THEY MUST BE BEHIND “air pressure, wind speed, and wind direction” in order for the game to work.
Place the clues all over the classroom to setup your Wayne’s World Lab. Label or identify the areas for students to easily find.
Any folder/box you are using can be dead ends with messages “try again”
Resources: Discovery Education Puzzlemaker, Google Sheets, Google Forms, Puppet Pals 2, QR, youtube, plus worksheet and game ideas
The Breakout Game: Place all your students into three / five groups
Play the youtube video of Wayne introducing the breakout and explain all three teams need to work collaboratively within their own group along with all three groups working together to open the three locks to end the game. The video keeps the theme of the game, plus its a timer.
Clue 1: Wayne’s favorite pastime: Students complete the wordsearch to determine what their next clue is: “SUM”. Students will have to find the station labeled “WAYNE IS HAVING SUM FUN”.
Clue 2: Matter Number Sort: There are 6 different sheets, have students randomly select one and complete. Each of the 6 examples has the same correct number: 37. However each leads to a different body system.
Clue 3: Double Puzzle Body Systems: Students sort the terms located within that system to generate the next clue. Hardest component is certain numbers are used repeatedly due to the same letter being used to spell out the clue. Each clue will lead to a different QR code.
Clue 4: QR Winds: Students match the term from double body systems to the definition located below a QR code. **Monitor students closely to determine they are selecting the correct QR code for their term. Reason all QR codes lead to a video and may will progress through the game even with a correct matching term.
Clue 5: Wayne Youtube / Visual Box: Students watch a short youtube video to identify what type of graph they need to find located on top of one of the 6 boxes. **Monitor students closely to determine they are selecting the correct graph/box. As above, the group can progress even though they may have selected the wrong graph.
Clue 6: I have Who Has Cards: Students find cards to line up according to I have, Who has to spell out a google Form. **Students will have the most difficult with transference since the URL has to be spelled EXACTLY. It is case sensitive and the symbols need to be included.
Here is the Google Form the cards link to:
Clue 7: Google Form Science Review: The Google Form contains several questions from Weather, Forces and Matter. Students have multiple choices, if they get their answers correct, they progress to the clue very quickly. However, if they answer incorrectly, they will be given more questions and will take longer to obtain the clue. **If students SUBMIT form, they will not see what the next clue is and would have to repeat the entire process over again.
The clue reads: You will need the best tools for the job. Select one bag to spell out your next clue
Clue 8: Anagram Sort: Students select ONE of the three bags and sort the words of a weather instrument and match the definition to determine which challenge card to select
Clue 9: Vocabulary Match Tools of Science: Students select the correct card. Behind the Tools card are terms which correlate to selecting the three numbers to unlock one of the locks. Numbers on the lock work from top to bottom. Only three cards work. The others are dead ends.
Once a team opens a lock, they can help support the other two teams complete theirs.
If all 3 teams open the three locks within the set time they win and earn 5’s on their challenge.