Materials Needed:
Internet Access - Devices for each team
1 Large Breakout Box
5 Three digit locks
1 hasp
5 three digit locked boxes
5 UV (ultraviolet) pens
5 medium to large vanilla envelopes
5 small envelopes
5 Envelopes / Boxes to place materials (5 small boxes with sheet protectors on top - Optional)
Cardstock for the puzzle pieces, Sort pieces
“Secret Plans” Google Form
Glue or Tape
Colored pencils to decorate droidsSetup:
Print the 5 copies of the Droid Drawings - (All 5 are slightly different so you need use them all)
Cut out and decorate the droids, be sure to keep the QR area black and white
Tape to the front of the large envelopes
Print the file “Imperial Access Codes” which contains 5 different copies
Tape them to the back of the large envelope
Print 5 copies of the Droid Jigsaw Puzzle File on cardstock
Cut out the pieces and place them inside the droid envelopes
UV Pen - Write each of the following scenarios onto each of the Droids image page of the envelope
*one scenario per droid cover page, use each scenario only once*
Select the graph that displays movement at a constant speed
Select the graph that displays constant movement interrupted by a five minute break
Select the graph that displays constant movement interrupted by a ten minute break
Select the graph that displays constant movement then no longer moves
Select the graph that displays an unmoving object
Small 3 Digit Boxes
Print the 5 Imperial Symbols
Label each of the 5 small boxes with the Empire’s Circular Label
Print 5 copies of “QA Sort Cards” on Cardstock
Separate and place inside each 3 digit box
Place a UV light in each of the 5 boxes
Set the locks of the small boxes with the above combinations
5 Boxes/Envelopes
Print and separate the 5 graphs and place one on each of the envelopes/boxes
I used decorated cigar boxes with sheet protectors so I can re-use them
Print 5 copies of the “File Name Word Search” file (2 pages)
Place the “File Name Word Search” sheets in each of the 5 boxes
Large Breakout Box
Print 5 copies of the Imperial Security Codes worksheet
Place each inside a small envelope
Label each envelope “Imperial Security Code”
Place the envelopes inside the large Breakout Box
Using the hasp, lock the box with the 5 three digit locks with the above combinations
Playing the Game
Play the Star Wars Intro Video to destroy the Death Star by stealing the Empire’s plans from a Droid Spy.
Each team should have a small black box in front of them. Hand out the Droid envelope to begin the game
The clues can be completed in ANY order - You will need to enter all three passwords to the Google Form to win.
Back of the Droid Envelope “Imperial Access Codes” = 3 digit lock boxes
Count the number of Potential Energy examples for each vertical column
The number will open the 3 digit lock box.
The box contains a UV pen light, and sort cards
Sort question cards with their correct answers
Each card has either a letter or a number on the bottom corner.
Writing them in the correct order (question 1-6) will create a 12 digit Access Code
Enter the Access Code in the “Secret Plans” Google Form
Jigsaw Puzzle Inside the Droid Envelope = Large Breakout Box
Piece together the jigsaw puzzle
The puzzle displays a question to determine speed
Solve the question to obtain an answer
Look at the image of the droid to locate a number
The droid number on the cover image is the first digit to the 3 digit lock, the next two digits are the speed answer
The three digits will open one of the locks on the Large Breakout Box
**in order to open the box, ALL 5 teams need to complete the jigsaw puzzzle**
Large Breakout Box
An envelope labeled Imperial Security Codes contains the next clue
Each team selects an envelope
Solve each of the Speed questions
List all the answers in order with No Spaces will generate a “Security Code”
Enter the Security Code in the “Secret Plans” Google Form
Entering all the answers with no spaces on the Google Form “Security Codes” will unlock it
Droid Image and Hidden Message
The droid image has a QR Code in the center of it.
Scan the QR code will open the “Secret Plans” Google Form
It requires 3 passwords found in the rest of the Game
The droid’s name (a number) is on the image
Hidden Message
Using the UV light on the image of the droid will reveal a secret message clue to solve
Each of the five situations refers to a specific graph posted on a box/envelope for students
(monitor to determine they select the correct graph)
Inside is the 2 page word search sheets
Answer the vocabulary questions to get a list of terms
Complete the wordsearch to eliminate all of the vocabulary words listed
The word that is missing is the correct filename - kinetic
Enter the Filename in the “Secret Plans” Google Form
Secret Plans Google Form
Enter each of the three codes - Access Code, File Name and Security Code
The Google Form has a set of Science questions needed to be answered
If ANY question is incorrect, the From will move the team back to the beginning of the file
Once all the questions have been entered correctly - The Death Star Exploding Video can be played ending the game.