Monday, February 29, 2016

Augmented Reality Black History Month Door Project

This year, our Black History Month project was to decorate our door based on an era in time. 5th grade was given the 1950's. A large aspect of this project was for the students to have a large amount of independence. First, students investigated accomplished persons of that era they were interested in. Next, using Google Classroom, students researched the persons and supplied information on each. Some chose to contribute to all of them, others just collected information one or two. Using the information, the class worked in groups and wrote a summary of each.

 Once completed, students presented their summary with any technology tool they wished: a Greenscreen video using Doink, Chatterpix, Ifunface, and Split Lens 2. Next, they augmented the images of their selected person using Aurasma to launch their project.

Follow the link or QR code to follow the channel to view their project.
Ultimately, for all my projects, I rather have students create their own to display and share instead of teacher made.


1 comment:

  1. AR technology is not as ubiquitous as virtual reality, but it is still gaining notoriety. NASA recently released a remarkable app known as Spacecraft 3D, which makes spacecrafts such as the Curiosity rover materialize in fully animated models.

    Virtual Reality Exhibit
